Transfer Students

- The applicant must be a Saudi national or permanent resident.
- The original university - from which the transfer is made - must be accredited by the Saudi Ministry of Education. All Saudi universities are accredited. Please refer to the Ministry of Education for non-Saudi universities.
- Similarity between the student's major in the original university and KSU.
- Achieving the required cut-off percentage and requirements for admission to KSU’s preparatory year and the desired major according to the admission criteria of the year of transfer.
- Physical attendance and completion of 45 or more regular academic units at the original university. Units registered during application are not considered complete.
- A satisfactory reason for the transfer.
- Physical and medical reports for majors that require physical fitness (i.e. medicine, nursing, physical education, etc.).
- The number of required units remaining for graduation should not be less than 60% to obtain a certificate from KSU.
- University regulations prohibit the admission of any student who has already obtained a bachelor's degree or has been dismissed from any academic institution for disciplinary or academic failures.